After enjoying the first three books of Old Man’s War, I decided to read Zoe’s Tale even though I was familiar with a common complaint of its detractors– specifically that it tells the same story as book three. But like the optimist I sometimes pretend to be, I thought this one would still be enjoyable. Unfortunately, I was wrong.
This novel is exactly what the title suggests: it is the Zoe (John Perry and Jane Sagan’s adopted daughter) version of The Last Colony. The tale is filled with teen angst, adolescent adventures, first love, snarky comments from John Perry . . . err, I meant Zoe, and basically the same story as book three. Sure, there are a few new plot, but even those sound more like YA stuff than the Old Man’s War I fell in love with.
Now, I’m not say this is a bad book, because it is not. Rather, it is a nice, YA story that just wasn’t for me. Give it a try and see if it is more to your liking